Saturday, September 15, 2012

Thanks to all of you who greeted me on my NATAL DAY!

Just get back on my FB. A Million Thanks to all of you who greeted me on my NATAL DAY! I was really surprised when I saw the people's comments, I didn’t expect them to greet me.It is really touching to receive such Loving Thoughts from all of you. It made me Happy that some other people in other part of the World and friends here in FB have thought of me on my birthday.It was such an overwhelming. I got calls and texts from my Family and Relatives back home and yes, I was so happy to heard them and they sung to me over the phone..Thank you again to all of you. It was so sweet of you to think of me here. On that day Sept.12,we didn't do anything cause my hubby and I were both working so we decided to do it this weekend on sunday, we are going to have dinner out and go to the Amusement park. Last week Sept.8, as my hubby's advanced surprise for my birthday, we went to Madonna's concert in Yankee Stadium.My hubby knows that I am a big fan of Madonna so he made my wish came true.LOL